A Couple That Exercises Together, Stays Together

Exercise Goals & Benefits: Shift your focus

Every day, individuals are unrolling yoga and exercise mats, joining health or weight loss clubs, and pounding the pavement. This is all in a bid to achieve their personal weight, health and fitness goals. With the Carnival season upon us, this may be more apparent now. But let’s shift our focus from exercising to lose weight and keeping fit simply for Carnival, and turn our attention over to how working out may be beneficial, not only to your health and well-being, but to your romantic relationship.  According to CEO and founder of MeetMindful.com and Yoga Dates, Amy Baglan, “relationships and fitness go hand in hand”. “They are both hard work but well worth it.”

Relationships: Gym Freak vs. Lazy Bum

When it comes to the world of exercise, there are two types of people: the ones who make working out an integral part of their lifestyle and the ones who do not – it’s as simple as that. If you are single, falling into either of these categories may be less likely to impact your mindset or regime, than if you’re in a relationship. Then it begins to become more apparent. If you are an active person who is committed to a 7-day workout plan and your partner on the other hand, could barely get out of bed at 6 a.m. (to go to work, much less exercise), you would very well be aware of how demotivating it could be. Unless you (the active partner) are 100 percent committed to the cause, it is a lot easier to lose momentum and ultimately, your entire routine, when motivation from your significant other is lacklustre.

Benefits of Exercising as a Couple

Who wouldn’t want their beloved at their side working out to achieve the same goal, and in turn, enhance their relationship?

Here are some reasons why a couple that exercises together, stays together:

  1. You have an exercise partner and what better way to spend time together than keeping healthy and fit.
  2. You understand and appreciate each other’s routine, so if your partner heads straight to the gym after work, you will applaud the dedication.
  3. Working out together is a perfect way to motivate each other, celebrating each other’s successes and assisting in times of struggle.
  4. You are most likely on the same diet, which makes cooking and eating out much easier.
  5. Cheat days are twice as fun because you can indulge together and you both know the next day it’s back to the plan!
  6. You may get into fewer fights as you have a healthier way to release your anger. A little healthy competition would not hurt either.
  7. You have seen each other at your worst; drained and drenched in sweat. Hey, this may even become an ‘attractive’ look for your partner and rekindle that spark.
  8. You love/sex life will definitely benefit. Need we say more?
  9. You have the pleasure of giving each other much-needed massages after workouts.
  10. You are both happier and ultimately, more energised. This in turn, may transcend into other aspects of your lives where you have more energy to do other activities together, apart from working out.

A healthy relationship is all about finding the right balance. What better way to foster a stronger relationship than over a little fitness; healthier in body and healthier in love.



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