5 Awesome Trini Women Share Powerful Messages

Today, the world celebrates women. And, boy do we deserve it! #IWD2017! Women love, guide, inspire, protect, nurture (… the list really could go on). No matter who you are or where you’re from, I’m sure there’s at least one woman who’s positively influenced your life in a way no one else could. She taught […]
Entrepreneurship – The Silver Lining In A Recession

According to US-based research, recessions spur entrepreneurship. Unemployment, or the threat thereof, drives the business-savvy (brave, adventurous, sometimes desperate) among us, to embark on their own business ventures. It’s not easy. The failure rate for new businesses is high. But, with passion and determination success is possible. So says successful local entrepreneur, teacher extraordinaire and […]
My Colonial Home – A Treasured Monument

Colonial homes were quite popular in Trinidad and Tobago’s first suburbs, which tell of our French architectural heritage and the influence of the French renaissance. Notwithstanding the melting pot of cultures which each left an indelible mark, the French influence is linked to a special place, the place I called home for 18 years. Nestled […]