5 Awesome Trini Women Share Powerful Messages

Today, the world celebrates women. And, boy do we deserve it! #IWD2017! Women love, guide, inspire, protect, nurture (… the list really could go on). No matter who you are or where you’re from, I’m sure there’s at least one woman who’s positively influenced your life in a way no one else could. She taught […]
Entrepreneurship – The Silver Lining In A Recession

According to US-based research, recessions spur entrepreneurship. Unemployment, or the threat thereof, drives the business-savvy (brave, adventurous, sometimes desperate) among us, to embark on their own business ventures. It’s not easy. The failure rate for new businesses is high. But, with passion and determination success is possible. So says successful local entrepreneur, teacher extraordinaire and […]
Marriage (Dis)approved

A parent’s job is tough. From the moment you know you’re going to become one, your universe shifts. Your child becomes its centre and everything you do is to keep him safe, healthy and happy. You do your best to give your little one every advantage in life. In the process, you lose sleep, give […]
Telling Our Story

Earlier this month, Trinidad and Tobago lost a well-respected and much-loved man, Angelo Bissessarsingh. For such a young man (he died at age 34), Angelo left quite a legacy – a treasure trove of stories from our islands’ past and, for many, a burning interest in our nation’s history. He, along with other local historians, […]
Fitness Reboot For 2017

Happy New Year Life In Trinidad readers! After our highly indulgent holiday season (can anyone say carb-overload!) and heading straight into Carnival 2017, many of us are looking to ditch the food baby and get in shape. We all have our reasons: health value, year-round cosmetic value, or just to look good in that little […]
How Old Is Old Enough?

On Tuesday January 17th, 2017, Trinidad and Tobago’s senate passed the Marriage Bill, which sets the legal age of marriage at 18 years old for everyone, regardless of religion and gender. While that’s a step forward for us, there has been strong protest from some religious organisations who argue that age is insignificant. Advances in […]
Making A Case For The Honeymoon

Universally touted as the happiest day of one’s life, the wedding signifies the joining of two hearts into one. It is a milestone that celebrates shared commitment, happiness and the forging of familial bonds. Deep emotions are evoked on the day – hearts flutter, feet turn cold, eyes tear-up as dreams of the future become […]
Make Your Own Meals and Save

We’ve all been there. It’s nearing the end of the month, but not near enough to payday. You’re running out of money but you were just too tired or too busy (or too lazy?) last night to prepare today’s meals. You planned to do it before you left for work this morning but you had […]
We Don’t Want Tourists Here: A Trini Perspective

For Trinidad and Tobago, investing in tourism makes sense, particularly in the face of our current economic climate. Decreasing oil prices mean that our black gold mine is losing value and, at this moment, cannot support our economy as it once did. We, therefore, need to find other sources of revenue and, with Carnival around […]
Is Love Enough When Money Isn’t?

Money and love. It’s great when you have them both. Not so much when you have one without the other. But which is more important? They say that love conquers all. With love, anything is possible. All you need is love. You can insert any number of corny love clichés here. The question is…do they […]