Top Social Welfare Grants Available: What You Need to Know

Navigating financial difficulties can be daunting, but Trinidad and Tobago’s Ministry of Social Development and Family Services offers various social welfare grants to provide temporary and essential support. Whether you’re facing a crisis, dealing with special needs, or experiencing financial strain, these grants are designed to assist you. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the top social welfare grants available:

1. General Assistance Grants

The General Assistance Grants provide vital support to citizens and legal residents in crisis. These grants cater to victims of disasters, those in emergency situations, and vulnerable persons facing significant challenges.

Clothing Grant
Description: For purchasing essential clothing for disaster victims.
Value: $1,000 per person.
Requirements: ID Card, estimate from supplier, Fire/Police Report, or letter from Regional Corporation.

Dietary Grant
Description: Assists with special diets for illnesses like renal conditions or uncontrolled diabetes.
Value: $600 per person per month.
Requirements: ID Card, letter from hospital nutritionist, list of expenses.

Domestic Help
Description: Provides part-time domestic help for up to six months for those unable to perform household chores due to health reasons.
Value: $1,800 minimum for 3 months, up to 6 months if necessary.
Requirements: ID Card of the Care Giver, Letter from Care Giver, supporting medical report.

Education Grant
Description: Helps secondary school students with transportation or special needs costs where other assistance is not available.
Value: $500 per month per child.
Requirements: ID Card, proof of enrolment.

Funeral Grant
Description: Assists with burial costs for deceased persons with no financial support.
Value: $7,000.
Requirements: ID Card, death certificate, funeral home estimates/bills.

Household Items Grant
Description: For purchasing household items such as stoves and refrigerators, especially after disasters.
Value: Generally $6,000; Disaster Only – $10,000.
Requirements: ID Card, estimate for furniture, official report/letter.

Medical Equipment Grant
Description: Covers essential medical equipment like wheelchairs and dentures.
Value: Generally $7,500.
Requirements: ID Card, estimate from supplier, medical records.

Pharmaceutical Grant
Description: Provides for prescription medication not covered by the C-DAP Programme.
Value: $2,500 per year.
Requirements: ID Card, prescription, quote for medicine.

Rental Assistance
Description: Helps with rent payments for those facing eviction or needing new accommodation due to crisis situations.
Value: Up to $2,500 per month for the first 3 months, decreasing in subsequent periods.
Requirements: ID Card, letter from Landlord, copy of Landlord’s ID car

Prosthetics Grant
Description: Supports the purchase of prosthetic limbs after assessment by the Ministry of Health.
Value: Up to $40,000.
Requirements: ID Card, evidence of address, quote from provider, Ministry of Health assessment.

School Supplies Grant
Description: Assists with replacing books/uniforms destroyed by disasters.
Value: $700 for primary, $1,000 for secondary students.
Requirements: ID Card, estimate from supplier, Fire/Police report.

Special Child Grant
Description: Supports children with moderate disabilities whose needs are not met by other grants.
Value: $800 per month.
Requirements: ID Card, child’s birth certificate, bank statement, medical report.

2. Public Assistance Grant

The Public Assistance Grant supports individuals and families with inadequate household income. It covers various scenarios, including disabilities, senior citizens, and single parents.

Eligibility Includes:
  • Individuals certified by a Government Medical Officer as unable to earn due to disability.
  • Senior citizens with unemployed spouses or dependent family members.
  • Single parents or guardians caring for children with disabilities.
  • Cases of abandonment, hospitalization, or imprisonment.
Monthly Payments:
  • $1,300 for one person
  • $1,550 for two persons
  • $1,750 for three persons
  • $1,900 for four or more persons
Required Documents:
  • Computerized Birth Certificate and/or Affidavit
  • National Identification Card
  • Bank Passbook/Recent Bank Statement
  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
  • Death Certificate (if applicable)
  • Additional documents as required by the Social Welfare Office.

How to Apply

To apply for any of these grants, visit the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services or their website for detailed information and application forms. It’s essential to have all required documents ready to expedite the process and ensure a smooth application experience.

These grants provide critical support during challenging times, helping individuals and families regain stability and improve their quality of life. If you’re in need, don’t hesitate to reach out and explore the assistance available to you.

Ministry of Social Development & Families
CL Financial Building,
39-43 St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain
PBX: 623-2608
Toll-Free: 800 – 1MSD (1673)
Email: [email protected]



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