For The Love Of Patterns

If you are uncertain as to how you can introduce additional patterns without turning your rooms into a painter’s canvas, there are a few points of consideration you might want to utilize to make your decision a confident one.

How to choose your pattern

Have fun when choosing! Decorating should be fun. You can choose from stripes to plaids to florals, damask, geometric shapes and everything in between, and remember mixing and matching patterns is perfectly acceptable. Just be sure to include some solid colour here and there as not to overwhelm the room.

Finding Inspiration

Finding inspiration for your pattern selection, whether it is size, colour or shape, can come from a variety of places. Perhaps, your current decor already dictates the colour scheme, or you stumbled upon a beautifully designed piece of furniture that sparks your imagination and creativity. That, my friend, is a good place to start.

Playing it safe

If you are still sceptical, start off simple when choosing your desired print and patterns when accessorizing your living space. Throw in pillows, a beautiful rug or maybe a pair of lamps that has a gorgeously printed shade. When accessorizing you cannot go wrong!


On Key

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