Ultimate Travel Checklist for Trinidad and Tobago Carnival

Trinidad and Tobago’s Carnival is epic. It is indeed the greatest show on Earth! But you already know this and that’s why our twin island republic is the next country you’ll check off your bucket list of travel destinations. You’ve purchased your ticket, booked your hotel and are beside yourself with excitement thinking about all […]

What Your Security Company Is Not Telling You

With news and social media posts constantly warning us of the dangers around us, many people are taking steps to ensure their safety and that of their families. When it comes to home security, it’s worthwhile to invest some time in finding out what is available to you on the market and allocating a decent […]

5 Things Trinis Do At The Last Minute For Christmas

Trini Christmas is de best! We hear this declaration all the time and anyone who has experienced the holidays on the islands of Trinidad and Tobago can attest that it is indeed true. It really is a magical time of year. The food, music and atmosphere are second to none. And while every year locals […]

5 Interesting Facts About Gaspar Grande

Gaspar Grande is found just off the coast of Chaguaramas, west of the city of Port of Spain. Locals and foreigners alike frequent the island to visit the famous Gasparee Caves but here are some facts that may not be commonly known about it. It is small The island measures a total area of 1.29 […]

Kees Prepares to Release New Album…Sans Dreadlocks!

Soca star and lead singer of Kes the Band, Kees Differenthaller has parted ways with his signature dreadlocks. The singer shocked his fans when his new look was revealed on the band’s Instagram page @kesthebandofficial last Tuesday. After growing his hair for 16 years, the singer said, “It was time to start fresh.” The band […]

El Alligator Launches Its Online Store

For many years in Trinidad and Tobago, our association with leather products has been the random Rastafarian selling hand-crafted belts, sandals and purses in the street malls or out of make-shift store fronts in various parts of the country. Many do not know that since 1979, Nelly Heroina, owner and managing director of El Alligator, […]

Unfeeling or Overwhelmed – The Loss of WPC Nyasha Joseph

According to a paper published by Dartmouth College, an individual’s response to encountering a traumatic event can vary widely. Some responses include denial, shock and numbness. I am no expert but it seems to me that we, the citizens of this country, are simply dealing with the daily trauma and horror we are forced to […]

How I Survive Valentine’s Day

Love for our family and friends, love for our co-workers, love for mankind and of course, love for our spouses and significant others – they’re all beautiful. In fact, in Mexico, February 14th is also known as el día de la Amistad, Friendship Day. Yet still, the only love that is catered to on this […]

Ministry of Tourism Launches LIME 365 & Mobile App

On February 7th, 2017, the Ministry of Tourism under the auspices of the Honourable Shamfa Cudjoe, launched its LIME 365 campaign at the NAPA Hotel in Port of Spain. The purpose of the LIME 365 campaign is to showcase the event calendar of Trinidad and Tobago with special emphasis on our heritage, our rich and […]

Why You Should Work for Less (And Do What You Love)

Nowadays, millennials use the expression “YOLO” quite a lot. It means ‘you only live once’. Most times, it is used to justify the spontaneous (and often stupid) acts that follow. They are correct, though. Every day, millions of people go to jobs they don’t like, convincing themselves that financial stability and a steady income are […]